7:00-7:45 | Registration, Exhibits, & Continental Breakfast Posters | Governors’ Hall/ Lobby |
7:45-8:00 | Opening Remarks Maura A Nitka, MSN, RN, CPN — Conference Chair | Christina Ballroom |
8:00-9:00 | Morning Plenary | 1 NCPD HRS |
| Creating a Culture of Patient Safety, Together Sorrel King, Josie King Foundation Josie’s Story: Family-Centered Approaches to Patient Safety | Christina Ballroom |
Track A: Clinical Topics Acute/Ambulatory/Home/School Nursing Track B: Professional Development & Education Track C: Trauma |
9:15-10:15 | Concurrent Session I | 1 NCPD HRS |
Track A | Reducing Ambulatory Central Line-Associated Bloodstream Infections (CLABSIs) Through Innovative Educational Tools for Caregivers Administering Home Parenteral Nutrition (HPN) Jean Abraitis, BSN, RN, Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia | Christina Ballroom |
Track B | Beyond Training: Bridging to Independence with Advance Practice Fellowship Programs Lisa Kelly MSN, APRN, CPNP-AC, PPCNP-BC, CCRN. Nemours Children’s Health | Lobdell |
Track C | Live Pediatric Anesthesia Skills Video and Cognitive Aids to Promote Self-Efficacy in Student Registered Nurse Anesthetists Kimberly Russo DNP, CRNA, Nemours Children’s Health
Morel Lavallée Lesion: Management in a Complex Poly-Trauma Pediatric Patient. Hamidah McCorkle, MSN, CRNP, Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia
Pediatric Femur Fracture, Alyssa McCann, CPNP-AC, Nemours Children’s Health | Dravo Auditorium |
10:15-10:45 | Poster Session1, Refreshment Break & Exhibits | Governors’ Hall/ Lobby |
10:45-11:45 | Concurrent Session 2 | 1 NCPD HRS |
Track A | Guiding Your Pediatric Practice by Why: Key Pediatric Studies You Need to Know About! Kathryn Roberts, MSN, APRN, CCNS, CENP, CCRN, FCCM, Nemours Children’s Health | Christina Ballroom |
Track B | Writing a Book for Publication, Maryann Godshall, PhD, CCRN, CPN, CNE, Drexel University
Enhancing Pediatric Nurses’ Clinical Judgment Using Simulation, Marc Stetson DNP, RN, CPN, Bristol-Myers Squibb Children’s Hospital
Ambulatory Nurse Externs: A Day of Togetherness Lili Sheridan, MSN, RN, CPN, Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia | Lobdell |
Track C | Treating Acute Pediatric Hypothermia in the ED Setting – A Nurse Driven Process Daniel Bileth, DNP, RN, CPN, West Chester University | Dravo Auditorium |
11:45-12:15 | Poster Session 2 and Exhibits | Governors Hall/Lobby |
12:15-1:15 | Lunch, Exhibitors, and Raffle @ 1:10 | Governors Hall |
| See page 2 for afternoon sessions | |
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1:15-2:15 | Concurrent Session 3 | 1 NCPD HRS |
Track A | Adaptation of a Synergy Model-Based Patient Acuity Tool for the Electronic Health Record Mei-Lin Chen-Lim, PhD, RN, CCRN, Thomas Jefferson University
A Quality Improvement Project on the Perception of Safe Patient Handling in the Pediatric Intensive Care Unit Elizabeth Manner, DNP, CPNP-AC/PC, Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia
Sedation Phone Calls Sydney Baylor, BSN, RN, CPN, NC-IV, Nemours Children’s Health | Christina Ballroom |
Track B: | A Nurse Extern Program Bridges Academia and the Nursing Workforce, Rachel Gilden, MSN, RN, CPN, Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia
The Benefits and Challenges of a Chronic Red Blood Cell Exchange Program for Sickle Cell Disease in Pediatrics Michael McCorkle, MSN, RN, CCRN, Nemours Children’s Health
Cardiac Flow Facilitator: The Power of Nursing Involvement at the Heart of Hospital Flow Jackie Whittle BSN, RN, CPN, Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia | Lobdell |
Track C | Clinical Ethics: What Do Parents Get to Decide? Kimberly Mason, MSN, CNS, PCNS-BC, CPN, HEC-C, Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia | Dravo Auditorium |
2:25-3:25 | Concurrent Session IV | 1 NCPD HRS |
Track A | How to De-Escalate and Safely Defuse Disruptive and Challenging Behaviors. Karyn Hatch, MSN, RN, CIC, Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia | Christina Ballroom |
Track A | Single Site Evaluation of a Securement Vest for Use with Pediatric Central Lines Jean Abraitis, BSN, RN, Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia
Bridging the Gap: The Impact of Newborn Kits on Closing Health Disparities in Vulnerable Populations Gina Hamilton, BSN, RN, Nemours Children’s Health
Climate Change: Challenges Faced by the Pediatric Population Kelley Scott, RN, Drexel University | Lobdell |
Track C | Hot Topics in Pediatric Trauma Patricia Massaro, BSN, RN, CCRN, The Johns Hopkins Children’s Center | Dravo Auditorium |
3:25-3:35 | Refreshment Break and Announcement of Poster Winners | |
3:35-4:35 | Concurrent Session V | 1 NCPD HRS |
Track A | Treating Early Onset Scoliosis: One Hospital’s Experience with VEPTRS, Growing Rods, and Halo Traction, Roni L Robinson, MSN, RN, CRNP, Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia | Christiana Ballroom |
Track A | Forgotten Dangers of Anorexia: Refeeding Syndrome and Cardiac Complications … A Review for the Inpatient Nurse Allison Stevens, MSN, RN, CPN, CPEN, CCRN, CMSRN, BA, Overlook Medical Center – Atlantic Health System
Implementing a Simulation Program in Day Medicine Katie Wade MSN, RN, CPN, Nemours Children’s Health
Effects of Fentanyl Exposure: What Pediatric Nurses Need to Know Peggy Zysk RN, BSN, CPN, Nemours Children’s Health | Lobdell |
Track C | Into the Wild: The Pediatric Critical Care Transport Experience Sandra Glenn-Vernon MS, RN, CCRN, PHRN, Nemours Children’s Health | Dravo Auditorium |